Sunday 23 August 2015

Cisco thingQbator

The term makerspace did not exist in the public sphere until 2005 until the MAKE magazine was published for the first time. Today the term has become a much better framed word for “community workshops”. ThingQbator is a makerspace at Cisco Bangalore which invites “makers” from every work-field to join their fellow partners in coming up with disruptive innovations. The underlying goal of any makerspace can be abbreviated to the 3-A’s – Anyone Anything Anytime – Anyone should be able to make Anything, Anytime; To democratize the act of making something from scratch or simply repurpose what already exists.
ThingQbator is a makerspace structured along the lines of innovating new-fangled and pioneering technologies  for Cisco. It facilitates the makers with an experimental playground with tools, hardware and platforms, all accommodated under one roof with a high tolerance for failure.

Thomas Edison : “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”

ThingQbator provides a structured training and mentoring to its selected cohort of engineers/makers. It equips the makers with a balanced amalgamation of Cisco solutions and third party technologies enabling them to cultivate and realize their abstract concepts and bring them to life.

Napoleon Hill : First comes thought, then the organization of that thought into ideas and plans, than the transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.

To be able to channel the energy of the community with unabridged exhaustiveness, thingQbator challenges them to radically change the current scenario of Internet of Everything (IOE) by crossing the hurdles of network security, connectivity, implementation, data handling, and many more vexations of the best of engineers which have been procrastinating the progress much needed by the world.

John Chambers : There are two types of companies. Those who have been hacked, and those who don’t yet know they have been hacked.

Launched on 14th April, 2015, thingQbator has come a long way corroborating 9 viable minimum prototypes with just around 30 participants in its beta program. All the 9 prototypes were concluded successful with their palpable demonstrations of their concepts. Also, 3 prototypes are commencing their pilot Cisco on Cisco implementations.
The overall success of the program is not believed to be just by its evident eminence, but by the positive enchantment of its participants on being endowed with a powerful laboratory and perspicacious confrères.

Henry Ford: Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.

Aadarsh Mehndiratta
Intern, thingQbator

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